Welcome to the future
The end is near
But first, I made another song
You gotta hear
Welcome to the future
The end is near
But first, I made another song
You just gotta hear
It took just seconds after I hit “create”
For my program to generate
Something that sounds almost first rate
It could have been jazzy
Or heavy
Or it coulda rocked
Using just one singer like me
Or a flock
It didn’t have to be perfect
I can afford to be sloppy
Because if I don’t like it
I can always make another copy
That takes less than a minute
But it won’t feel quite human
Because there’s no soul within it
And just this artificial voice
To sing it
Welcome to the future
The end is near
But first, I made another song
You gotta hear
(This one is really good, trust me!)
(What I just said bears repeating)
We’re in the future
The end is near
But first, I made another song
You just gotta hear
It took just seconds after I hit “create”
For my program to generate
Something that sounds almost first rate
It could have been jazzy
Or heavy
Or it coulda rocked
Using just one singer like me
Or a flock
It doesn’t have to be perfect
I can afford to be sloppy
Because if I don’t like it
I can always make another copy
That takes less than a minute
But it won’t feel quite human
Because there’s no soul within it
And just this artificial voice
To sing it
We’re in the future
The end is near
But first, I made another song
You gotta hear
Did I mention I just made another song you gotta hear?
(This one is really good, trust me!)
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