The drive-in’s featuring
a film of soot
The gun range is shooting blanks
The crowd at the rodeo stampeded
When the world economy tanked
I’ve got two new open lemons
And a few odd dietary whims
I’m getting closer every minute
To confessing all my sins
I met a guy, they call him Flaky Pastry
Who had a sister named Relish
She became a biochemist
After her resume was embellished
By a depressed career counselor
With an evil hidden agenda
That betrayal broke her heart
And therapy couldn’t mend her
Flaky took sick with a mystery disease
That defied expert diagnosis
It presented as an incipient dystrophy
With just a hint of psychosis
Relish found relief raising rare raisins in the rarefied air of Rome
And one day near the Vatican
She found herself atoned
By a handsome singing cowboy
Holding hands with his own clone
They both wore clerical collars
And cozy Land’s End fleeces
They spent the next day at Sea World
Entertaining their favorite “nieces”
The drive-in’s featuring a film of soot
The gun range is shooting blanks
The crowd at the rodeo stampeded
When the world economy tanked
I’ve got two new open lemons
And a few strange dietary whims
I’m getting closer every minute
To confessing all my sins
I’m getting closer every minute
To confessing all my sins
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